ARCHIVED , here which was to be the name of the event, in my opinion.
exposure in Fabbrica Borroni starts badly, with an army of manga characters. First thought: anga-but-no!
Then the crossroads: the right or left? Indeed, the crossroads: right, left, or I turn and run while I'm on time? I decide to go.
Right I have a small hallway with pictures of dark brown, left a large space lit huge. Since it was already too hard to face Dragonball, Sailor Moon and Ken Shiro, I choose to indulge my need for open space and enter the hall to the left ... and it opens a room ... then another ... then another ...
Sad bored and dry, but mostly frozen, I'll be back. The cold was penetrating the emotion, the only thing to myself came in the flesh, bones and memory once it leaves the factory Borroni. But there is still time to get out.
Once cued before the bodies of my opponents in the famous Japanese I enter the small hallway with dark dark picture and, fortunately, a little 'me warm. So find as much of the force that pushes me to go ahead and go into another room ... then another, and beginning to fear that does not go out anymore ... then another again ...
Definitely benumbed and dejected, leaving the ice factory whipping the latest blow to Pikachu and I take refuge in the factory of Pancakes, really comforting. Defrost the brain, I start to philosophize on what I've just seen ... The total absence of people visiting the exhibition is emblematic of the artistic vacuum that exposes Archived . To tell the truth with the exception of a few (something like 3 or 4 interesting names out of 27 ...). It 's a show that appeals to those who have no pretensions to the reviewers' photographer' on a trip that took a pretty picture, to the reviewers' artist 'who has a brush instead of fingers. But it is a show that does not speak of anything, is an exhibition of stereotypes, is an exhibition that will forget it. It 's a cool show, but really cool! Therefore I urge you to cover, and if you deem it appropriate, cover the eyes.
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