Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sample Proposal For Tv Show

As we passed this icy bridge of the Immaculate?
simple, we've decided to go to winter in. .. Brussels!
temperatures between +3 ° and -3 °.
Smart no?
Just for you a travel guide. Since writing "The first day we went ... we ate ... then we went ..." is more annoying than paying the bills, we decided to go for points. So, unless interests you the chapter Churches & monuments you can go directly to Quarters.
To start this first post we opted for two classics that never disappoints: the file C and specialties.


few days before departure check the weather. Expected Snow and fog on the first day the remaining four days. Excellent! We then
equipped as if we were to climb Mont Blanc: Moonbootica, leg warmers, hats Siberian, gloves, waterproof jackets.

December 4: Fly to Brussels. Snow. But there was to be a simple fog today? Blindly trusting the weather we thought, "stop now" and, after leaving the suitcase, we left the hotel without an umbrella. Needless to say, the three snowflakes that we had received turned into a hurricane era.

The next day we said, "this time we do not cheat."
We spent four days to drag around with an umbrella and Moonbootica. Obviously, it is not even a flake of snow fell.
The cold, however, remained intact, sharp and aggressive. We blessed waterproof coats and hats and we stuffed Siberian Bic Mac as ambulatory. By the way, McDonald does not exist in Brussels.

Who has not heard of the famous Brussels sprouts?
almost expected that the city is invaded by the sprouts, which are all the shops, which are used as a side dish of all dishes. Well. Ever seen a sprouts throughout our stay. But not even one! The city is instead invaded by many other types of food, much more delicious.

3. In third place are the fries . The frites apparently were invented in the capital of Belgium and The original recipe requires the twice fried in lard. Today there are only two brave to have preserved the old method of production: Maison Antoine and Frites Flagey . The first is a kiosk agreement with the surrounding bars. Basically you buy the chips and go to eat in the warmth, while sipping a beer. According to many, it offers the best chips to all of Brussels. In our opinion, however dear and loving. Really nothing special, we have much preferred those of competitor Flagey. This is a smaller van that he may not have agreements with the bar and is frequented by celebrities, but the fries ... Well, those are a scream!

(I savor the Flagey while Andre is - rightly - a bit 'puzzled by the Maison Antoine)

2. In second place is the beer. Yes, it seems Brussels is to be counted as home beer like Monaco, Bohemia or Ireland. In addition to two special museums which will be discussed shortly, in the city there are a number of stores that can boast more than 300 brands of beer from the staff and encyclopedic knowledge.
But let's get to the two museums: the former is apparently a collection of banal objects, grain, machinery and barrels. We have chosen not opting to visit the most interesting (but also more dangerous) Brasserie Cantillon . Why dangerous? Because it is a brewery in activity to the particular life of the tourist several times:
- first of all not being driven within the premises but he received a simple spreadsheet that should help to orient . I say should because there is nothing like the risk of getting lost in the fumes of alcohol.
- if unable to navigate the unfortunate, and must avoid a double attack: from a biological weapon (legions of spiders ready to attack) and chemical weapon (barrels explosion at risk - it is true, was written on the famous package!)

(bursts? by No, maybe not ... wait, I heard a gurgling sound. erupts Now! No. .. Yes ..)

- the latest ordeal is made from the tasting beer made & finished. You should know that the Gueuze is not a normal beer, one of those artificial flavored sugar. Absolutely not, the policy of this brewery is to make beer naturally fermented by the action of different microorganisms. What a great concept so green, so slow food! Of course, a pity that the taste of the beer in question is ... unbearable.


1. the first place, or maybe not, of course, there's the chocolate . Apparently it is a Belgian specialty. Other than Switzerland, only to find Brussels miles and miles of nothing but busy streets with shops, chocolate shops and factories. Even in this case had a duty to visit the Museum of Cocoa .

This is a small workshop where you can admire the sculptures of chocolate, cocoa processing objects, maps and explanations on educational property nutrition of this food. In the end, we have witnessed a small demonstration of a Maître chocolatier with wine tastings. Needless to say, in this case we have appreciated much, much, much more than the Gueuze!



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